Thursday, May 16, 2024

This Cake Was Baked From the Start

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott issued a full pardon Thursday for [Daniel Perry,] a former U.S. Army sergeant convicted of murder for fatally shooting an armed demonstrator in 2020 during nationwide protests against police violence and racial injustice.

Everybody knew this was coming. The perp could have killed some more people and the outcome would have been the same. Once Putin's Favorite American Pundit began running his mouth, the pardon was a done deal. They only had to finish papering the file and stepping through the paces.


  1. Abbott praised Texas "Stand Your Ground" law... the fact that no Black person ever has any "Ground" to stand on, or right to protest, or right to self defense... that law should be renamed the "New Dred Scott Law". There I go again, being racist against those good white people who "don't see color"....wait! I am white and I can see this real racism from thousands of miles away.

  2. Can the DoJ bring Federal civil rights suit or is that Double Jeopardy?

  3. I don’t think so, not unless the murderer acted in some sort of official capacity. (Even impersonation’s enough.)

  4. At least he can still be sued, however the pardon isn’t evidence of guilt. Even that might be a tough road, with Paxton et al willing to testify, in an official capacity, that he was not guilty of any crime.

  5. Criminal liability and civil liability are two different things altogether. OJ was not guilty of murder, but he was civilly liable for it.

  6. Well if that person wants to eat, work and live somewhere
    there may be issues with that like go elsewhere.

    Its also likely those around him understand that person is obligated
    and may do as his owners/benefactors wish.

    The other part is the personal infamy that person now owns.

    That person may have won that battle but the war was lost.


  7. I think that the shitbag in question may still be subject to the UCMJ for this, and I hope that they go crazy with it.

  8. “Good judgement; failure to exercize”.

  9. Correct, Comrade. However, even Civil Liability would run into the issue of Texas, it’s Stand Your Ground law and the testimony of the State’s AG being willing to testify that after extensive investigation there was no evidence of a crime. As I, a non-lawyer, understand it, Civil Liability would be a pretty steep slope in those circumstances. The fact the “extensive investigation” was probably determining if the shooter was white and the victim was not…

  10. In Texas, "stand your ground" means "hunt those you disagree with for sport."

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  11. The perp is a full-blown white supremacist.

    Abbot and Paxton are sociopaths who know exactly what they did.

    For everyone else: Avoid Baja Oklahoma.


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