Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Partisan Hacks Gotta Engage in Hackery; USSC Ed.

Justice Samuel Alito is rejecting calls to step aside from Supreme Court cases involving former President Donald Trump and Jan. 6 defendants, saying his wife hoisted the two controversial flags that flew above their homes.

“My wife is fond of flying flags. I am not,” Alito wrote Wednesday.

In letters to members of Congress, Alito said his wife, Martha-Ann, was responsible for flying both an upside-down flag over their home in 2021 and an “Appeal to Heaven” flag at their New Jersey beach house last year. Both flags were like those carried by rioters who violently stormed the Capitol in January 2021 while echoing Trump’s false claims of election fraud.

Neither incident at Alito’s homes merited his recusal, wrote the justice, who has rejected calls from Democrats in the past to recuse on other issues.

They were his fucking houses and I don't believe, for an attosecond, that he didn't know what was going on. A guy with some integrity would have said: "Dear, I'm a Supreme Court justice, we can't be making partisan displays at our houses."

But he's got no integrity and no spine. He knew what was going on, he knew what the flags symbolized and he was either too cowardly to ask his wife to take them down or, more likely, he agreed with it.

And so he throws his wife under the bus. What a brave little asshole.

So now, if he rules in favor of Don Snoreleone or the J6 defendants, a goodly section of the population will believ that he was in the tank. A partisan justice voting the way his party wants him to. (The same goes double for Clarence Thomas.)

And the reputation of the Court will slide even further. If then hardball is played, let's see what happens when the Supreme Court's budget for clerks gets zeroed out.


  1. He and John Roberts are chief architects of the goddamn Reagan revolution, and now he's just drunk enough on his own power to bitch publicly at anyone he thinks is impeding his life's work by doing harm to said Reagan revolution.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  2. The fact that a good portion of the U.S. will know they are Trump's hacks doesn't seem to bother those two. "What are you going to do about it"? Only one has been impeached but not removed and that was in 1804. People of no honesty or integrity don't seem to care what others actually think about them. They can always excuse their own actions in their own minds.

  3. So the Supreme Court is in the tank for Donald. Not OK, but crying won't help. What can we do? The way I see it, we need Congress, the Senate, and the Presidency to make a change there. I do wonder though if the Court itself would have to vote on being enlarged? That would not work. Got to be some hope somewhere.


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