Saturday, May 11, 2024

Non-Shocker of the Day: Trump Cheats on His Taxes (and Grifts the RNC)

Taking a double deduction on a Chicago project to the tune of $100 million in tax evasion.

Former President Donald Trump may face an IRS bill in excess of $100 million after a government audit indicates he double-dipped on tax losses tied to a Chicago skyscraper, according to a report by The New York Times and ProPublica that drew on a yearslong audit and public filings.

If you or I were to cheat on our taxes for a hundred grand or so, we could expect IRS agents to show up with a set of handcuffs. But former president Petomane, well, he cheats on his taxes at Madoff-grade levels and he's still walking around, unindicted and unbothered.

Meanwhile, most of Don Snoreleone's kids are delegates to the GOP convention this summer. I'll bet that's so their lodging is paid by the RNC and Demented Donnie can overbill the RNC for the cost of them flying their on his 757. But it seems that Melania has persuaded (or commanded) Barron to not get involved in that mishegoss. That's probably a smart move, for if he had gone, then he would have been fair game for both the press and the comedians.

1 comment:

  1. It would be nice to think the Democrats can claim both parts of Congress and keep Biden in the White House and we can get legislation passed that anybody cheating the IRS more than $1 million will be automatically charged with tax fraud and held without bail.

    Our entire legal system is skewed to protect/placate the wealthy. There's no nobliesse olige anymore constraining the worst habits of the uber rich.


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