Wednesday, May 22, 2024

GOP Is Coming For Your Bedroom

The party of limited government is only interested in making it easier for the rich to get richer. But as for the rest of you, they're more than happy to regulate what you do in the bedroom.

Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday said he was open to supporting regulations on contraception and that his campaign would release a policy on the issue “very shortly,” comments that he later said were misinterpreted.

The comments, made during an interview with a Pittsburgh television station, suggested that a future Trump administration might consider imposing mandates or supporting state restrictions on such highly personal decisions as whether women can have access to birth control. During an interview with KDKA News, Trump was asked, “Do you support any restrictions on a person’s right to contraception?”

“We’re looking at that and I’m going to have a policy on that very shortly,” Trump responded, according to a video of the interview that was briefly posted online before it was supposed to air, then taken down.

The more bat-shit crazy wing of the GOP, including Clarence the Corrupt, have been open in saying that they want to overrule Griswold v. CT, negate any right to privacy and get the government into regulating what people do in their bedrooms and what publications they can read. The TOFF is signaling that he is OK with all that, including using the Comstock Act to prohibit the mailing of anything that the Christian Taliban views as being improper.

Which is pretty much anything other than religious tracts.

If you don't want to live in a religious theocratic dictator ship, don't vote for a Republican. Any Republican. At any level of government. Because those neo-Nazis/Talibanistas are out there.


  1. He's just mumbling the "Mandate for Leadership" conservative manifesto.
    Its 920 pages covering the fascist plan to make the country more theological based.

    Its their plan for Amerika, that spelling is to emphasize we will
    not recognize it as the America we knew. It lays out how they will change things to deal with the people they attack and place those
    that are conforment.


    Under the Department of Heath and human 449
    Goal #3: Promoting Stable and Flourishing Married Families page 449
    is where what TOFF said came from.

    Page 457 is where the "Abortion Pills" is listed as the "single greatest threat to unborn children". The document goes into the plan to work to alter FDA and remove the "threat".


  2. So the T(R)*** party wants to take us back before ancient Egyptian times. Birth control, in some form, has been used for centuries.

    Will vasectomies be banned?

  3. My guess is that they will first start out by criminalizing birth control used by women.

    They will come for those used by men later.

  4. The whole point of denying contraception and abortion to women is so men don't have to get vasectomies or use condoms: they can just get any woman pregnant that they fancy, consent or no.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  5. Already underway in Louisiana, where they have filed to reclassify mifespristone and misoprostol as controlled substances.


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