Tuesday, April 2, 2024

To Conservatives, "DEI" is a Synonym For N****r

Mayor Brandon Scott has come to expect overt and not-so-overt racism.

The latest example came in the aftermath of Tuesday morning’s Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse. Within hours, Scott said he started to notice social media posts labeling him as a “DEI Mayor.”

Scott immediately bristled at the dog whistle.

“We know what these folks really want to say when they say DEI mayor,” he told The Banner. “Whether it is DEI or clown. They really want to say the N-word. But there is nothing they can do and say to me that is worse than the treatment of my ancestors. I am proud of who I am and where I come from.”

Mayor Scott won his election fair and square, but that matters not to the Royal Association of Butthurt White Folk. Those calling him the "DEI Mayor" probably were taking a break from ironing their white robes and prepping 4x4s for their next cross-burning.

The Mayor is right: They don't have the guts to come right out and call him a n*****r. Instead, they use dog-whistles like "DEI" and "woke".

The Orange Moron has been the leader in making it acceptable for racists to be racist in public.


  1. The names used for those that are non-white conservative nationalist christian are long and darkly colored by hate and exclusion language.
    They have a long history of working the language to say "them"
    who are not "us".

    So we add gender, Woke, and DEI to the long list of neo-hate
    culture language to incite and direct their cult members.

    So it goes, next election one should remember who utters those
    words are not trying to govern they lusting for power or looking
    to misplace blame.

    The people that designed and built the bridge back in the early
    1970s without protective abutments before the actual structural
    piers the fail is on them. That was done 1977, how many years
    ago? Where is the current mayors fault in that?


  2. Lee Atwater explained how this works a log time ago.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  3. He was one of the vilest people in politics.

  4. Sure enough one of the Banhammer boys showed up and proved the point that he is a sheet-wearing, mouth-breathing racist.

    No guessing who that is. Y'all know. Guesses will be deleted.


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