Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Well, Bye.

Independent Sen. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona announced on Tuesday that she won’t run for a second term after her estrangement from the Democratic Party left her politically homeless and without a clear path to reelection.

"Politically homeless"-- Nice way of putting it. Sinema was polling third in a three-way race, a terrible place for an incumbent. If you're going to shit all over those who brung you to the dance, best have another partner picked out.

Kari Lake will likely be the Republican nominee, and then she'll be beaten like a gong by whover runs as a Democrat. Arizonans probably haven't warmed to her brand of crazy; she'll drag Trump down with her. Or vice versa.


  1. AZ resident here. She was the better choice vs. McSally but that’s all that recommend her for my vote. Her actions as Senator have alienated those who voted for her, and by making her time as Senator about her instead of her constituents, guaranteed a challenger. Kari Lake and her antics have made an impression, and it’s not a good look. She’s alienated republicans with her recordings, her election lawsuits have gone nowhere, and her general actions haven’t endeared her to non-MAGA voters. Ruben Gallego is a solid (D), and should handily win the seat, but we’re 7+ months away from the election, so I’ll keep my fingers crossed until after the election.

  2. I'm leaving. You people don't deserve me!

  3. My guess is that she'll either take a job clubbing baby seals or she'll be hired by Fox News to screech about how liberuls are soooo bad.

  4. Chalk up another end cap display at half price books.

  5. Hell, send them to the pulper. Her premise that she could carve out some middle and unite people around her was proven false. At least she had a good sense to drop out instead of suffering the embarrassment of coming in last in her reelection bid.

  6. She cannot attract a backing as shes already flipped on
    her prior backers. Would she do that again?


  7. Old Loggers NEVER trust Greenies ...

  8. Thing is, she should know better because she lived through some genuine difficult times. I guess some folks really never learn even the simple stuff.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  9. Cashed enough Big Pharma money to get out of dodge

  10. She seemed sensible when she ran, but went totally off the rails once she got elected. Still not sure wtf happened with her.

  11. Just read the defamation suit against Kari Lake is going to discovery. Seems the only way she can avoid it is to settle. Gonna guess a simple “sorry” statement isn’t gonna do. She’ll have to weigh the damage discovery would do to her Senate run versus how much it will cost to settle the lawsuit.

  12. Stephen Richer has said that he'll settle if Lake offers a public apology and enough money to make him whole from the costs of having to hire security.

    Fat chance of that. The trial should be fun to watch.

    Meanwhile, Lake keeps hiring Nazis.



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