Saturday, March 9, 2024

The Pope Joins the Ranks of Putin’s Poodles, Advocates Surrendering to Evil

It's a church of fucking cowards and kiddie-rapers.

I'm not Ukrainian and even I am outraged that the Pope is willing to entertain surrendering to the forces of pure evil. He should go see what happened in Bucha before taling again of surrender.


  1. Remember when we found out the Dalai Lama was kind of a homophobe? They disappoint. And given the Catholic church's ability to start wars, it's puzzling.

  2. My feelings about the old guy in the white dress is summed up in Tim Minchin's "Pope Song".

  3. It is not a good idea. These popes are corrupt. Of course he says wave the white flag, the old fool. He is not an important person.

    He is an example of why we have abandoned Christianity in general, and Catholics and Evangelists in particular. And that includes the Orthodox Church. They don't seem to have a vision. I will pay my tithe to protect cultural heritage, I respect my people.
    Me personally, I think if Ukraine doesn't want to go along with Putin, they should have that choice.


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