Saturday, March 9, 2024

Katie's Britt's Speech Affectation

This: Reminds me of this:

Also, notice how the Talibanistas are proclaiming that Britt is "just a housewife." That's a lie, she's a sitting U.S senator. Just like Despicable Ted, or is he just a Texas househusband?

Finally, this:


  1. Gotta say. Every day brings another slap in the face with a dead fish reminder of how the Right has descended in to lunacy...and normalizes it, insists that it's righteous patriotism and defense of America.

    Can we please wake up from this bad dream? Our political process has become a Punch and Judy show of cruel and unusual punishment.

  2. Laudermilk is one of our favorite shows. Stumbled upon it just last month and had to binge watch it. One of the few shows where my wife and I both laugh out loud.


  3. Turns out that her words laced with syrup dripping from her mouth
    also contained lies. Who would have guessed!

    Seems her stories are not biblical but no less epic is their
    lies. Are we surprised of course not. Presenting the story
    of human trafficking as a Biden thing when it actually happened
    during the Bush era is a classic piece of propaganda.

    But bless her stone cold heart it was said sweetly.


  4. It was her fundamentalism housewife voice. That makes it doubly creepy.

  5. More Trumpist "Tales from the Darkside".

    Republican Party has been subsumed by T**** MAGA.


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