Friday, March 22, 2024

How to Tell That Republicans Have Never Done an Honest Day's Work in Their Lives

Ben Shapiro thinks that people should work until they die, because work makes you free, I guess.

Frankly, I think retirement itself is a stupid idea unless you have some sort of health problem. Everybody that I know who is -- who is elderly, who has retired, is dead within five years. And if you talk to people who are elderly and they lose their purpose in life by losing their job and they stop working, things go to hell in a handbasket real quick.

That could be a matter of nobody who is happy in their life would care to be within ten clicks of Ben Shapiro. True, my father died about eight years after he retired, but it wasn't lack of purpose that killed him. It was cancer. So fuck you, Ben, along with your horse and everybody who looks like you.

Republicans want to raise the retirement age, too.

I know a number of guys who work in the trades. While they are all thankful that they have because they make a good living (the ones who have their own businesses pulled their logos from their trucks as they have too much work as it is); all of them who are over fifty have mentioned that their bodies are slowly showing the strain, especially in their lower backs and knees. All of them are looking forward to retiring. Some are adjusting their finances so they can retire early and live before Social Security kicks in. The same is more than true, by the way, for nurses.

Cops, soldiers and firefighters retire at twenty years for a reason. It can be hard and brutal work. There was a state that didn't offer early retirement to corrections officers, requiring them to work until they were at least 55. Most didn't live to see 60. The state wasn't run by heartless fucks like Shapiro, who would have seen that as a success. Instead, they gave their prison guards the same retirement plan as their first responders.

These are the people that Republicans want to fuck over. The hardest work most of those buttmunchers have ever done is lifting a bag of golf clubs onto the back of a golf cart. They've never come home from a job where the first thing they needed to do was take a shower.

But what can you expect from a party whose party leader believes that hard work and sacrifice is for losers?


  1. Naturally, MAGATS all seem to agree. After all, being duped is a full time job.

  2. I think there is no correlation between retirement and mortality. It has to do with genetics, fitness, lifestyle, and external stressors. I know people who have passed within 2 years of retirement (one in a car accident) and others who have lasted 15+ years after they quit working. Personally, I'm into my sixteenth year since retirement, but I keep busy with yardwork, playing slow-pitch softball, and flying (among other hobbies). And quoting from an analysis of life expectancy vs retirement:

    "In the 18 studies that investigated the association between early retirement compared with continued work participation and mortality, a total of 20 associations were reported. Eight associations revealed a higher risk of mortality for early retirement, five associations pointed to a lower risk of mortality, and seven associations showed no association between early retirement and mortality"

    I would have to say that the results are inconclusive one way or another. If someone can retire early, good for them. If someone wants to keep working into their 80's or 90's, go for it. But we shouldn't change the rules in the middle of the game of life and force people to change course just because of one party's philosophy.


  3. rethugs and their mottos really like:

    Arbeit macht frei

    What I haven't figured out of all their followers mostly folk that
    work their ass off and best gues would like to be able to retire.
    their imperious leaders would like them to work to old age then
    try to survive on their social security entitlement they paid
    into all those years.

    Don't vote for those piles of excrememt.


  4. Right, trust-funder punk who's never done a day's work in its' life ...

  5. Nice hit, CM, "people should work until they die, because work makes you free, I guess. ". In a righteous world, you would have just sunk the Bismarck.

    Now, our new foreman was Jim McGann
    By golly, he was a blinkin' man
    Last week a premature blast went off
    And a mile in the sky went big Jim Goff
    And drill, ye tarriers, drill
    Now, when next payday come around
    Jim Goff a dollar short was found
    When asked the reason came this reply
    "You were docked for the time you were up in the sky"
    And drill, ye tarriers, drill

    The assholes are always with us....

  6. Maybe if the hardest work you do is speak to college kids about the evils of woke, your body might last into your eighties without stopping your work.
    His arguments are bullshit, of course, as the life expectancy in the US has actually gone down some, and in any areas of the economy where it's stable, little physical toll is taken on worker's bodies.
    Having nearly worked myself to death after 32 years, this is somewhat of a sensitive issue for me.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  7. I know plenty of first responders who don't make it to 20 years of service. I lasted 17 before retirement by ambulance ride. Guess I'm just another moron loser.

  8. Kudos for the mention of nurses. I priced long term disability for a good chunk of my actuarial career. The physical demands of nursing care (especially LPNs working in assisted living facilities) takes as much of a toll on the body as just about any construction trade.


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