Friday, March 29, 2024

Another Republican Who Claimed Voting is Fraudulent is Convicted of Voter Fraud

The vice chair of the Georgia Republican Party voted illegally nine times while on probation for check forgery, a judge ruled this week.

Brian Pritchard, the first vice chair of the Georgia Republican Party, was ordered Wednesday to pay $5,000 in civil penalties and be “publicly reprimanded” by the State Election Board for his conduct, Administrative Law Judge Lisa Boggs said in a ruling shared with The Hill

Republicans complaining about voter fraud are like the Catholic Church complaining about pedophilia. It's sort of akin to "he who smelt it, dealt it". Republicans keep whining on and on about voter fraud and yet, when it comes to those charged with voter fraud, it's almost always Republicans who are doing the crime.


  1. Do as I say, not as I did.
    Rethug projection, they did it.

    LAst time I hear utter crap it was a bunch of 7 year
    old doing classic point, I didn't do it, wasn't me,
    somebody else did it. Most of the rethugs are liars,
    but especially infantile in their words and deeds.


  2. And yet, the penalties for this serious threat to democracy are usually symbolic.Compare and contrast to the woman in Texas who was looking at 5 years for a mistake about her eligibility to cast her vote.Trying to figure out what the difference is...

  3. Mark, Abbott and Paxton want to make sure the message is sent that "those people" shouldn't be voting.

  4. Comrade, I get that. My sarcasm appears to be weaker as I age.I could maybe euphemize it as subtlety as a face-saving measure.

  5. Sarcasm can be hard to discern in writing. Intonation really helps.

    Sometimes I’ll end with “/sarc” where I can’t use the sarcasm meter gif.

  6. Crystal Mason was acquitted by an appeals court today. About time.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


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