Sunday, February 4, 2024

Your Sunday Morning Turboprop Noise

COD launch:


  1. Nice. Wouldn't get me w/in 50 ft. of those props when they're turning, however.

  2. Heard there were some grumblings about the C-2 getting replaced by the Osprey. Maybe Old NFO can chime in.

  3. Yeah, couple of things... One, it just doesn't sound 'right' with those new props. And did you notice how close to the deck edge the left mainmount is? Less than a foot of clearance! There is a 'move' afoot to replace the C-2 with the Osprey. I'm hearing more than a 'bit' of grumbling about safety issues, and the fact that the Osprey (basically a helicopter flying sideways in hover mode) will cause issues with launch and recovery ops since it will launch/recover from a hover, NOT cat/trap which will mean a significant SOP change for deck ops.

  4. Will the CV-22 carry as much cargo for as far as a C-2 can?

  5. That's amazing!

    Being an Air Force grunt, the closest I got to something like that was - a C-130 JATO.


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