Thursday, February 22, 2024

She Is So Screwed!

Russia’s main domestic intelligence agency has arrested a woman with dual U.S. and Russian citizenship on charges of treason, accusing her of collecting money for the Ukrainian military.
Russia’s Federal Security Service alleges that [Ksenia] Khavana had been “proactively” raising funds for a Ukrainian organization since February 2022 — money that it says was “subsequently used to purchase tactical medicine, equipment, weapons and ammunition by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.”

Putin will have his pound of flesh of anyone who crosses him, whther it's a ballerina who gave a few bucks to a Ukrainian charity or a Russian pilot who defected. His forces continue to commit war crimes.

Ukraine is not done. Even though the Republican traitors and appeasers would hope they are.

(Never vote for a Republican for any office whatsoever.)

1 comment:

  1. Words,

    Dearie stay away from anything high or fall hazards.
    Only eat the food from the person next to you or
    out of the communal pot.

    To every one else stay out of Russia and Florida.



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