Thursday, February 15, 2024

One Lesson to Relearn About Mother Russia: Her Word is No Good

The US has new intelligence on Russian military capabilities related to its efforts to deploy a nuclear anti-satellite system in space, according to multiple sources familiar with the intelligence.

The intelligence was briefed to Congress and key US allies, and some lawmakers say it is serious enough that it should be declassified and made public. While the intelligence is concerning, multiple senior members of Congress briefed on the information on Wednesday emphasized that it does not pose an immediate threat to the US or its interests.

The Outer Space Treaty, to which Russia is a signatory, bans placing nuclear weapons in space. That the Russians are looking into doing just that proves, once again, that only an utter fool places any stock in Russian promises.

Bible Mike says there is no cause to worry, that "steady hands are on the wheel". Which, given that he tanked a foreign aid bill on the TOFF's say-so and then demanded a new bill with the provisions that he already tanked, his word is no more valid than those of his Orange Master and his Orange Master's boss.

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