Friday, February 23, 2024

Guilty AF, NRA Ed.

WLP has to pay back $4.3 million of excess benefits. Other have to pay, as well.

I presume that there were statute of limitations issues, for WLP and his cronies grifted much, much more from the NRA.


  1. the NRA needs to hold new elections under court oversight to ensure no shenanigans and ballot stuffing, and anybody still in the organization who supports gun safety reforms need to run and win. Changes need to happen. The same corrupt monsters had been sitting in control of that group reveling in blood money long enough.

  2. Wayne single handedly killed that organization. I don't see how it can ever make a come back.

    I'm surprised that there isn't jail time involved.

    - Borepatch

  3. I'm surprised that there isn't jail time involved.

    It's a civil case, sadly. But nothing. so far as I know, stops the state from filing a criminal fraud case.


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