Monday, January 29, 2024

More on the Shit Show That is Boeing

This is worth your time if you are interested in things Boeing.

Remember that "Spirit" is Spirit Aerosystems, which once was Boeing's Wichita plant, but Boeing spun it off in the '00s in order to make a quick buck, please Wall Street, and get more bonus cash for its C-Suite executives. It's not Spirit Airlines, which is its own flying shitshow.

It's probably going to take sustained governmental pressure to fix Boeing. The institutional shareholders and Wall Sgtreet don't give a fuck, as long as Boeing makes a short-term profit. Those people can't think much further past the lengths of their dicks, anyway.

ETA: Also, this.


  1. If I'm a bean counter at Boeing, or a 100,000 an hour consultant hired by Boeing, I think we have a little more fat to be trimmed. Cut another level of inspections, sell Spirit Aerosystems to Chinkotaco LLC and announce a new AI based inspection platform to better serve the traveling public. When a MAX 9 in DL, UA, or AA colors comes apart on take off from Newark, remind everyone there weren't any crashes when Trump was president.

  2. Jesus Fucking Christ that leeham comments section is enlightening. The number of reporters dying to talk to the individual that posted than comment certainly suggests some very interesting stuff will soon appear, because you know this was far from the only issue.

  3. Leeham News is now in my blogroll (aviation & space blogs).

  4. The McDonnell-Douglas execs should be kept in public cages before their trials, in a just world. Pour encourager les autres.

  5. Seen a cartoon somewhere that shows a plane overhead dropping parts and they are making the 'boeing' sound when they bounce along the ground.

  6. Also, this. But the incentives are the problem and it will be much more difficult to change the incentives. We are always told (A) that capitalism is about competition and (B) that competition creates incentives to improve quality. Suppose (B) to be true -- I doubt it, but we pick our fights -- (A) is perfectly false. Anti-trust would not be a thing but for the fact that businessmen will always collude because colluding improves their environment. Then nothing can be remedied after the fact; things might only be prevented, but this may not be one of them.

  7. It's not Boeing. It's everyone.

    (OK, right now I guess it's about half of everyone. But increasing).

    People are mining established companies for short-term gains, which translates to bonuses, which leads to GTFO, not my problem any more.

    I see it everywhere.

  8. Nobody remembers to shove it in the face of conservatives and Big Business, but whole thing of free markets and the Invisible Hand originated by Adam Smith in his Wealth of Nations that they so champion has a proviso: it can ONLY happen if the markets are regulated by governments to prevent them being rigged and captured by cartels.
    Of course, what then happens/has happened is that the markets end up being rigged...when cartels capture the regulators.


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