Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Goombye, Asswipe

An Ohio Nazi was sentence to eighteen years in Federal prison for trying to burn down a church that was going to host a drag event.

No doubt that the asswipe thinks that the TOFF will pardon him.


  1. There will be a lost generation of these people marooned in prisons, wondering when their Great Orange Hope will free them, political prisoners in the Great Cause of Idiocy. As if the GOH gives crap about anybody but himself.

  2. There once was a large film camera (on a tripod, cloth over the photographer's head) sold by Kodak called the Cirkut Camera; it had a pivoting lense, shot a yard-long piece of film and produced stunning panoramic images, so crisp you could read print on a newspaper held in the image. There is a book America By the Yard with images of America in the first half of the 20th century, everything from massive Baptist river christenings, to political conventions, to Nisei fraternal picnics in CA, to the NY Yankees with Babe Ruth in the lineup....to a massive (300-400 people) Illinois Klan rally. We are the best of people, we are the worst of people. May we live up to our forefathers (and foremothers) greatness...and leave their bigotry behind.
    The cover of America by the Yard is a B-24 bomber with its whole division around it...on the wings, on the ground in front of it. It's cropped on the cover, but is complete in a foldout in the book. Go here, and then page right through some of the images. Think of it as early 1900s IMAX.

  3. Stewart, I suspect you dropped this in the wrong place.


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