Thursday, December 28, 2023

Spineless and Carpetbagging Republicans

Nikki Haley tried to say that the Civil War was about "the freedoms that people could and couldn't do". After being lambasted widely for the fact that one of those so-called freedoms was the freedom to own other people and work them to death, she admitted that slavery was one of the causes of the Civil War.

Hey, Haley, it was the cause. That's the issue your home state went to war about. Not stating that the Civil War was about slavery is like trying to explain orbital dynamics without mentioning gravity.

Meanwhile, Lauren Boebert is packing up her carpetbag and moving to another part of Colorado in search of voters who are dumb enough to send her to Congress again. So when the going gets tough, Boebert runs away. Just like Brave Sir Robin.


  1. So perhaps Adam Frisch will be a Dem pickup in her old district. Her new one is already held by a Republican.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  2. In light her behaviour in the theatre, Boebert would more likely want to be one of Sir Robin’s minstrels in the frozen land of Nador…just saying.

  3. C. P That's got to be from one of the top ten funniest movies ever. Boebert and her band of Merry Morons in Congress, not so much.

  4. So they told her to get out of town.


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