Thursday, December 21, 2023

Ringing These Down, Here


  1. Dear Comrade....things are dark and ominous on this blog; time for Magical Christmas Dust for you!

    History lesson. My father was an eye surgeon, his father an eye/ear/nose/throat doctor in the early and mid-20th century. Once heard my father reminisce about his childhood (circa 1920). They didn't have antibiotics, but when he got a cold, his father a little marble block with a divot in the top that he's put some cocaine in plus water, then tell Dad to inhale. Cleared his stuffed nose right up and he felt great.
    Cocaine was also used early on as a topical anesthetic for eye surgery....later, better ones came along. When my father closed out his practice, there still was some left in a safety deposit box. Those were the days....

    Things are *so* much better now....

  2. I'm looking forward to listening to The Shepherd on Saturday. Please don't disappoint me.

    Or worse, link to the Travolta abomination.

  3. No worries. It's already cued up.


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