Sunday, December 17, 2023

Rape and Hypocrisy in the GOP in DeSantisLand

The Republican Party of Florida suspended Chairman Christian Ziegler and demanded his resignation during an emergency meeting Sunday, adding to calls by Gov. Ron DeSantis and other top officials for him to step down as police investigate a rape accusation against him.

Ziegler is accused of raping a woman with whom he and his wife, Moms for Liberty co-founder Bridget Ziegler, had a prior consensual sexual relationship, according to police records.
The accusation also has caused turmoil for Bridget Ziegler, an elected member of the Sarasota School Board, though she is not accused of any crime. On Tuesday the board voted to ask her to resign. She refused.

The couple have been outspoken opponents of LGBTQ+ rights, and their relationship with another woman has sparked criticism and accusations of hypocrisy

So, is it OK with the Christian Taliban if a woman has sex with another woman as long as her husband is watching? Or is it OK for a man to have sex out of wedlock as long as his wife is observing? Or are they absolved from sin if they're quoting Hitler at the time?


  1. I think it is so precious that '3 Way' Ziegler's given name is Christian.

  2. Ah heck, you knew Republican means hypocrite. Nothing new here. Just another diversion. At least this time there were no minors involved.

  3. All of the above as long as it owns the Libs

  4. The "owning the Libs" crap is exceptionally childish and yet another reason why I have come to detest modern conservatism. That pales in comparison to their loving embrace of fascism, though.

  5. When adults act like children... we now use the name Republican.

    The upside is the damage they did to their own name, the
    religious right views that poorly and they hammered their
    own credibility.

    Now we know they are Moms for perversion and fascism. The
    liberty part is doing it and getting away with it.

    It is fun watching them do it by their own hand.



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