Friday, December 8, 2023

Space Karen Has a Sad

Tesla’s troubles with labor unions in Scandinavia deepened as it lost legal action against Sweden’s postal service over its refusal to deliver license plates to the U.S. electric vehicle giant.

The postal service’s workers blocked Tesla license plate deliveries late last month in a show of solidarity with mechanics striking over the company’s refusal to sign a collective bargaining agreement with employees, which is customary in Sweden
Earlier this week, Denmark’s largest trade union announced its own sympathy strike to prevent Tesla cars being delivered to Danish ports and transported into Sweden.

Norway’s largest private sector union then on Wednesday announced its intention to begin blocking vehicle shipments destined for Sweden from Dec. 20.

Finnish transport workers’ union AKT on Thursday confirmed that a blockade on Tesla vehicles earmarked for Sweden would also come into force across all Finnish ports from Dec. 20.

The richest people in the world don't become and stay that way by treating their workers fairly. So it's no surprise that Herr Musk's reaction to the unions in Scandinavia has been to stomp his feet and threaten legal action.

1 comment:

  1. Comrade Misfit,
    I just saw this and while it is not much of a surprise that Musk is being an arrogant ass, I wanted to stop by and wish you a good weekend, and a safe holiday season. With so much anger in politics and manipulating by the idiots in D.C., it is hard to predict what the New Year will bring. We can only hope that someway, somehow we will see peace in the Middle East and also an end to the war in Ukraine.
    I see Musk and Trump in the same light. I don't trust either one of them. Maybe they will both take a rocket to Mars.


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