Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Heh. Heh. Fourteenth Amendment Ed.

The Colorado Supreme Court on Tuesday declared former President Donald Trump ineligible for the White House under the U.S. Constitution’s insurrection clause and removed him from the state’s presidential primary ballot, setting up a likely showdown in the nation’s highest court to decide whether the front-runner for the GOP nomination can remain in the race
Trump’s attorneys had promised to appeal any disqualification immediately to the nation’s highest court, which has the final say about constitutional matters. His campaign said it was working on a response to the ruling.

I'm not sure why the Supremes get a say, as qualification of people for a ballot is a state issue. But you know this court, issues are a matter for the states, unless they have an effect on conservatives. For we all know how Ginni Clarence Thomas will vote.


  1. The Supreme Court of the United States gets a say because the matter getting invoked is the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution, which falls under their judicial review. There is also the reality that other states are going to be ruling on this, and considering this is a fight over the Presidential ballot that is a federal office, SCOTUS has reason to step in.

  2. The right are funny creatures, to be sure. They cry that there is no credible evidence linking T**** to Jan 6, yet are set to impeach Biden despite having no credible evidence of "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors". Such hypocrites.



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