Tuesday, November 21, 2023

When the Far Right Utters Their Pedophile Slurs, They're Looking in a Mirror

A Philadelphia-based outreach leader for Moms for Liberty – the conservative parental rights group that is pushing to exclude discussion of gender and diversity from school curricula – has been exposed as a registered sex offender.

According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, Phillip Fisher Jr – a pastor and local Republican ward leader who volunteered at Moms for Liberty’s national summit in Philadelphia this year – pleaded guilty in 2012 to a charge of aggravated sexual abuse involving a 14-year-old boy when he was 25 and living in Chicago.

Conservative, pastor and sex offender... it's like hitting a trifecta of sleaze.

Of course, the kiddy-diddling felon blames everyone else:

According to court records, Fisher pleaded guilty to one of 12 charges filed against him after an investigation by the Chicago police. The charging documents allege Fisher had oral and anal sex with the victim in the case in January 2011.

Fisher served three years in prison followed by two years of supervised release.

He told the Inquirer that the charges against him were fabricated – a “railroad job” – and drummed up by the political action committee for Lyndon LaRouche, a US presidential candidate now widely regarded as conspiracy theorist.

Yeah, yeah, he was innocent as the driven snow, in his mind.

1 comment:

  1. Moms are a pro-ignorance group. If children are not educated
    about sex and sexual abuse its easier for the predators to
    seek and groom their prey. How convenient.

    If it was a fabrication it should be trivial to appeal it.

    I think their latest "hes a good boy" is just more conspiracy
    crap from them.



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