Tuesday, November 14, 2023

The MAGA Grift

Members of former Trump aide Michael Flynn’s family pocketed hundreds of thousands of dollars in leftover money from a legal defense fund that was set up for the retired general as he faced a federal investigation over the 2016 election, Flynn’s sister testified in a defamation case involving CNN.

So Flynn and his sister grifted the leftover money (over half a million) and had not problem appealing to QAnon and MAGA nutjobs to give them money, but they felt it was defamatory to be associated with QAnon and MAGA. Even though they willingly participated in some oath-swearing ceremony which included a QAnon slogan, because they were trying to soak the wet-brained for cash.

Seems like a hell of a stretch. Here's a pro tip: If you don't like people saying that you're associated with a nutball extremist group, then try not associating with a nutball extremist group.

1 comment:

  1. Once a grifter, always a grifter
    “I’m not hiding my disgust, my disdain for your criminal offense,” Sullivan told Flynn in the courtroom in Washington, D.C., around noon on Tuesday. “Arguably, you sold your country out. … In the White House! In the West Wing!”



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