Tuesday, October 31, 2023

When the World is on Fire, the First Thing Republicans Do is Protect the Rich

The House GOP released a $14.3 billion standalone measure on Monday that would pay for aid to Israel by cutting the same amount in funding that was allocated to the IRS under the Inflation Reduction Act, one of President Biden's signature pieces of legislation.

Any excuse to make things easier for the uber-rich will be Job One for Republicans in Congress.

So, a three-word response to Our Leading Christian Nationalist in Congress: "Fuck you, no."

Why not pay for such aid by stripping the infrastructure improvement funds from every congressional district where both the senators and the representative voted against the funding? They didn't want it, so don't give it to them.


  1. Nothin in the good book about no IRS. Now if it had gone after the tax dodging libs......

  2. With this Christofascist nut case as the speaker, I foresee a quick trip back to the dark ages. If it isn't a bill forcing mandatory prayer in Schools, he wants nothing to do with it.


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