Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Well, That Was Annoying.


  1. According to the QANON peeps, that Emergency Broadcast triggered a code in our vaccines to unleash the Marburg Virus and begin the zombie apocalypse.

    So... well... brrraaaaaaaaiiiinnnnnssssssssss.

  2. Must be one of my lucky days. Although it startled me, it failed to activate the Marburg virus that was in my Covid vaccinations so I'm not a zombie

  3. Annoying nothing. It woke me the hell up, & long before I planned on waking up.

  4. Mark and Paul, seriously? Those quarter-bright lunatics believe that?

  5. a further thought: Did Matt Gaetz and Gym Jordan hear it a day early?

  6. Comrade, the theory is:

    1) Emergency signal triggers a 5G signal.
    2) 5G signal activates the graphene oxide in the COVID vaccines.
    3) Activated graphene oxide expands and releases/activates the Marburg virus contained in the COVID vaccine.
    4) The Marburg virus will turn some portion of its victims into zombies.

    That’s why the QAnon types were wrapping their cellphones in tinfoil or switching them off. On a related note, a counter-programmed message on QAnon forums noted that the starting/ending times of the alert (1420/1450) add up to 17, which means the “White Hats” are actually in control of the Emergency Alert, and the signals may instead be healing.

  7. You know it's true. You don't even have to search for it.In our timeline, the more ridiculous a thing is, the more likely it is to be true.

  8. Yep same ones spraying vinegar at the sky for the chemtrails.

    Me I knew it was coming so I blocked it. No annoyance here.
    Personally I thought it mostly pointless.


  9. The claim that turning off your 5g cell phone wouldn't protect you from the silent, invisible drones. for that, you would need to be grounded, in a Faraday cage. I feel like I'm in the movie Unstrung Heroes

  10. More like the Idiocracy has arrived 480 years early.

  11. It was not a big deal. Yes I heard it right on time, 12:20. We get these test alerts, I don't know, maybe several times a month. It is not a problem. If you all want to go off the Q-cliff, go ahead jump.
    I don't like this new conspiracy oriented, Republican, fear mongering America. I live in a place where we get floods sometimes. We get an alert, we look out the window, we thank them for the warning. We already know what to do.

  12. We got an alert a few years about some child-abduction misfits, my spouse was scared
    That they might be here, but since I pointed out that we live on the east side of town where the foothills
    begin to huddle thickly, and therefore wouldn’t coming in our direction, whatever else they did.


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