Tuesday, October 3, 2023

The Pedo Congressional Terrorist Strikes Back

Speaker Kevin McCarthy is facing an extraordinary referendum on his leadership of the House after a conservative member of his own Republican majority, a longtime critic, moved to launch a vote to oust him from the helm.

Late Monday, Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., rose in the chamber as the House was almost done for the day to file the motion — a resolution that would set a snap vote in coming days that even Gaetz acknowledged may not have enough support to remove the speaker from the job.

The MAGA terrorists in Congress believe that they have the linchpin to the entire Federal government and everyone else be damned. So, with all of the issues before the country, we're going to go though another prolonged battle over who is the Speaker because Pedo Matt and the rest of his pack of spoiled children didn't get their way all of the time.

Meanwhile, some alleged criminal billionaire and adjudicated fraudster keeps persuading the rubes to chip in to pay his legal feels. Nothing new there, his supporters have broken records for gullibility.

1 comment:

  1. "Issues before our country" What issues? There are no issues other than one's own self-importancy and the divine right to have a fecal seizure and force everyone else (who are just wallpaper in the psychopathic glory of one's self!) to stop whatever they are doing to grovel. Burnt offerings (your life, your integrity) are acceptable. Trump taught us that..,


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