Tuesday, October 24, 2023

The Flips Keep On Coming for Inmate No. P01135809

Former President Donald Trump's final chief of staff in the White House, Mark Meadows, has spoken with special counsel Jack Smith's team at least three times this year, including once before a federal grand jury, which came only after Smith granted Meadows immunity to testify under oath, according to sources familiar with the matter.

I expect that this means that Meadows is going to flip in the Georgia case, as well.

Felonious Donnie does have some chutzpa, comparing himself to Nelson Mandela. Even though Mandela spent 29 years behind bars and Donnie hasn't yet spent a night in stir.


  1. He has already compared himself to many historical people who were either persecuted or even assassinated who were famous, even though he still doesn't understand why they were famous.
    Some of his cult even compare him to Christ.
    If someone were to read the Bible to him, he would compare himself to Moses and claim he is leading his people out of bondage.
    Or a history book and claim he is like Julius Caesar and he is being murdered by his own government. Namely Schumer of the Senate.

  2. Trump demanded loyalty, but also wanted people around him that were like him. Well, he got them and their sense of loyalty is just like his. Just something to pretend to have in order to get what they want. Birds of a feather...Throw each other under the bus.

  3. "Yon Chuck (Schumer)has a lean and hungry look." "I fear such men..."

    "Et tu Chuck?"

    So he's the bard of Queens as well as Avon, way to go Bill S.


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