Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Of Course Clarence Hasn't Repaid the "Loan"

The US supreme court justice Clarence Thomas failed to repay much – or possibly all – of a “sweetheart deal” to borrow more than $267,000 to buy a luxury motor home, a Senate committee found.

The existence of the $267,230 loan, made by the businessman Anthony Welters in 1999 and forgiven in 2008, was first reported by the New York Times. On Wednesday, the Times quoted Michael Hamersley, a tax lawyer and congressional expert witness, as saying “‘this was, in short, a sweetheart deal’ that made no logical sense from a business perspective”

Seriously, Gentle Reader, did anyone expect that ol' Clarence would have repaid more than a buck or two of the principal of the bribe "loan"?

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