Tuesday, June 20, 2023

If You Buy the TOFF's Latest Line of Bullshit, You Are Certifiably Dumber Than You Look

Lashing out after his arraignment on federal charges last week, Donald Trump took aim at President Joe Biden and Democrats with language that seemed to evoke another era: He was being persecuted, he said, by “Marxists” and “communists.”

That's pretty rich, coming from a tired old felonious loser who kept a book of Hitler's speeches by his bed and who thinks Hitler did good things.

If you know someone who is parrotting Cadet Bone Spurs's latest line of attack, and if they are someone that you care about, please keep in mind that they are the sort of person who can drown in the rain and govern yourself accordingly.


  1. That's Old News now. The latest excuse is that The Orange Troll was "too busy" to go thru the boxes for his personal crap. Nope, too busy playing golf, and having poor me rallies to separate out his dirty socks. No explaining why his stuff was in with Classified stuff, to begin with. And I can only imagine the look the Judge will give this miscreant for this latest Bull. What a Maroon.

  2. When did he ever sort his laundry? Never, but the the laundered cash from his businesses, you bet.


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