Thursday, June 15, 2023

Another Self-Inflated Tool Enters the Race

Miami Mayor Francis Suarez is joining the crowded Republican field for president, becoming the first Hispanic in the race who also contends he can broaden the appeal for Republicans nationally — especially to Hispanics.

Suarez, 45, filed official federal paperwork on Wednesday, just one day after Donald Trump’s arraignment in downtown Miami on charges that the former president hoarded classified documents at his estate in Palm Beach County.

When was the last time a mayor won the White House? He's running as a big-city mayor who can get shit done and as a Hispanic in a party that is shot through with white nationalists and which relies heavily on a rural voter base.

I think he has less of a chance of gaining the nomination than does Gov. Whatzizname of North Dakota. The only way he's going to have even a chance of it is if the TOFF either suffers a Wilsonian-grade medical emergency or absconds.

1 comment:

  1. This is gonna be like, what, the FIFTH GOP idiot from Florida applying to run for President in 2024 (if trump is now considered a FL resident)?! I know we're crazy down here, but for the LOVE OF GOD we're sending too many Florida Men idiots onto the national stage.

    It's clear half of these clowns know they won't make it to the top of the ballot - even if trump is convicted and removed from consideration - they're just doing this to raise their profile and get more invites onto Fox Not-News.

    Campaigning is now a monster grift.


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