Friday, April 7, 2023

STFU at Work, People

This is worth reading by everyone, at least the body of it.

Or take more time and read STFU. This test may tell you if you have a problem, in case you dn't already know it.

I run my yap mostly on this blog. I figure that I'm not forcing anyone to read it. In meatspace, I follow the principle that "an open mouth gathers no wisdom" (or "intelligence"). When I was practicing law, I sat through numerous continuing education classes where attendees were "asking questions" that were patently designed to show off to the room how smart they were. In a perfect world, the presenter would have been allowed to make a signal for that person to be frog-marched out of the lecture room and flogged.

Most people know if they talk too much. The compulsives don't.


  1. TOFF has oral diarrhea. Never shuts up and listens to one except his inner demon.

    I could go on, but....

  2. When I worked for GM engineering doing 'hand's on' work occasionally we would have to sit through meetings. There was always a couple who had to spout their lack of knowledge when asked "Any Question". Their jobs always seemed to have the most problems that were always somebody else's fault. They are everywhere. Dunning-Kruger lives on.

  3. Dan - side by each as they say in the UP.


House Rules #1, #2 and #6 apply to all comments. Rule #3 also applies to political comments.

In short, don't be a jackass. THIS MEANS YOU!
If you never see your comments posted, see Rule #7.

All comments must be on point and address either the points raised in the blog post or points raised by commenters in response.
Any comments that drift off onto other topics are subject to deletion.

(Please don't feed the trolls.)


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