Thursday, March 23, 2023

The Border Between Satire and Reality is Almost Nonexistent

Former President Trump made the news today with a surprising new policy position on prison reform that seemed at odds with the tough, mean-spirited stance he was known for while in office.

“It is high-time we start treating our prison population with the humanity they deserve.”
Proving he wasn’t just paying lip service to the issue, Trump followed up his speech with detailed policy proposals designed to make life easier for inmates, including round-the-clock access to cable TV and menus inspired by leading fast-food outlets.

“It’s the least that those serving time in our prisons deserve. Most of them probably didn’t even do anything wrong in the first place and are just victims of witch hunts by terrible people. Sad!”


  1. He sees his time coming ...

  2. Translation: I wish to be comfortable and not suffer.
    That and plenty of hambergers.

    He should suffer.


  3. That is frickin' hilarious.


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