Friday, March 3, 2023

Surprised Tesla Isn't Doing This

Ford has filed a patent to remotely repossess vehicles, or at least make them less comfortable to drive if you're behind on payments.

The bigger deal is that if the fuckers at Ford can do that to your car, so can a hacker.


  1. There have been 'low-jack' aftermarket systems for some time now, basically on off switch tied to a GPS locator. Not uncommon to find them in cars (and trucks) off a used car lot featuring in-house financing. Essentially kills all power in the vehicle so that it can't be started. I don't think it can kill an engine in operation, just prevent it from starting again.

    They don't ever seem to get removed properly after the vehicle is paid for. Gremlins ...

  2. Here ya go:

  3. A Detroit area auto dealer owned by a former football player for the Lions had a system for bad credit car buyers starting in the late nineties. The cars had a device that had to have a code put in every week after the customer received the code while making their payment. He got sued when some alleged that the cars quit running while going down the road. Ford was none too happy with him also probably because there was some blaming of Ford products. Ironic.

  4. Now your car and phone can narc on you.


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