Thursday, March 9, 2023

Funny How None of Those Republican Assholes Gave a Fuck When Environmental Disasters Hit Majority Non-White Communities

The Rude Pundit has the details. And he's right. Nobody from the Trump Aministration went to the Norfolk & Southern derailment in Barstow, GA that dumped hydrocholric acid and required evacuating the town. Not a single fucking person. Not the head of the EPA or the Secretary of Transportation.

But let a derailment hit a town of white Trump supporters and boy, oh, boy, they spew their contempt of President Biden and especially their hatred of Secretary Buttegieg and their Orange God engaged in his usual smarmy homophobia.

Anyway, there's an expensive but workable solution for East Palestine: Move the damn town. Force Norfolk & Southern to buy the existing homes and commercial businesses at well over assessed value. That won't pay for everything, of course, so grants and funding will be needed from the state of Ohio and the Feds. Then knock everying left down, remove the debris and turn it into a forest, with the land legally locked up forever. Put a 20-point document in the chain of titles declarling that the land and the ground water underneath is contaminated.

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