Thursday, March 30, 2023

A Catholic Miracle?

THOMASTON, Conn. — As Connecticut Catholics approach Easter, the faithful are flocking to tiny Thomaston following a report of a miracle. That apparent miracle is now being investigated by the Archdiocese of Hartford.

“We had something happen,” said St. Thomas pastor, Father Joseph Crowley during a Sunday Lenten Mass just two weeks from Easter. He addressed his congregation just minutes after the apparent miracle took place

And here I was thinking that the miracle was that they found a priest who wasn't putting his hands on kids.

If miracles are to be performed, how about divine intervention to keep kids from being shot dead in school, instead of providing more symbolic flesh for ritual cannibalism.


  1. Zen story (remember them?)

    A Buddhist monk in meditating when suddenly he realizes he's levitating. That, of course, breaks the transcendence and he settles to the floor.

    For weeks, the monk can think of nothing else. Finally, 6 weeks later he does so again.

    Then nothing for another month. But he is starting to learn levitation

    By two months later, he can levitate at will

    At the end of another two months, he is zooming around the meditation hall.

    Two months later, he joined the circus.

    Miracles in the physical world are the circus. The real miracles happen inside, in the heart and soul, in love.

    YMMV, but my 2 cents. But anyway.

  2. I was praying that there would plenty of crackers for my soup, but when when I opened the box there was one stale broken saltine left inside.

    I guess I'll try storing my crackers in a ciborium.

    I'll let you know how it works out.

    Children's welfare was never the churches first priority. Actions speak louder than words and the massive coverup was the loudest of all.


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