Tuesday, February 14, 2023


Please have a kind mention in your heart for my co-blogger Eck!, whose wife, E, of 43 years passed away earlier this month.

She will be missed and mourned.


  1. I will be swinging the Hammer of Moderation vigorously on this.

    Please keep your comments respectful of the dearly departed and her family respectful or keep them buried deep in your blackened and blasted heart.

  2. My condolences and prayers for you, Eck!

  3. Very sorry for Eck!’s loss. The contributions of Eck! on this blog have always been thoughtful and incisive, and long may it remain so. This, in particular, is a brutal time of year for such a loss, not that any time is good for it.

  4. I feel for you Eck. We Boomers are all at the cusp .

  5. My heart goes out to you. I am also an old as is my wife. Being a recluse makes my wife more precious than ever. I can not imagine her loss. I wish you the strength to get by.

  6. Much sympathy and condolences on the loss of your beloved wife. I well understand, as I lost my wonderful wife of 39 years 11 June 2021.


House Rules #1, #2 and #6 apply to all comments. Rule #3 also applies to political comments.

In short, don't be a jackass. THIS MEANS YOU!
If you never see your comments posted, see Rule #7.

All comments must be on point and address either the points raised in the blog post or points raised by commenters in response.
Any comments that drift off onto other topics are subject to deletion.

(Please don't feed the trolls.)


COMMENT MODERATION IS IN EFFECT UFN. This means that if you are an insulting dick, nobody will ever see it.