Sunday, January 29, 2023

Your Sunday Morning Prop Noise

A "Forked-Tail Devil"


  1. Very cool. Sounds like functioning superchargers although that could just be me. EAA has a replica of Richard Bong's "Marge" on display at Their museum that's very popular with guests. IIRC the original Marge is somewhere in jungles of New Guinea. Bong had several over the course of his tour. According to some sources, Major Tommy McGuire (Whose P-38 was named Pudgy , the subject of the video) was quite the character. He was intensely competitive, his mission was to catch and pass Bong. He was rarely without his his uniform hat. His had the fifty mission crush from having headphones over the top as can be seen by photos of just about every Air Corp pilot. His had to be stuffed behind his seat on EVERY mission or there was hell to pay when he landed. Sorry if I got carried away, I was also trying to find who owns Pudgy. but couldn't find any relevant references.

  2. Addendum to the above. Currently owned by the collings foundation and it does have functioning turbochargers

  3. The youtube page puts it in FL, after repainting?
    American Aero in New Smyrna Beach, FL
    The eventual arrival of the P-38, 44-53186, at New Smyrna Beach, Florida, would be the culmination of more than two months' on-site work in Oregon and an 18-hour crosscountry flight. ...

    It's this one:

  4. seafury, actually a compound turbo-supercharged design…good ear.


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