Monday, January 9, 2023


Prince Harry defended his decision to publish a memoir that lays bare rifts inside Britain’s royal family, saying it’s an attempt to “own my story” after 38 years of “spin and distortion” by others.

We fought two wars between 1775 and 1815 so that we would not have to live under the system where our head of state was from generations of inbred cousins. So no, I most assuredly don't get why so many people are shocked, shocked to find out that the British royal family is as dysfunctional as a lot of other families, if not soap-opera-worthy dysfunctional.

Get back to me if the Spare Kid renounces his titles (unlikely, because then who will care past two news cycles) or applies for American citizenship (ditto).

Until then, as to this topic: Six two and even, over and out!

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