Thursday, December 29, 2022

Rings True

If you've seen The Glass Onion on Netflix, this will resonate.


  1. I haven't yet seen The Glass Onion, but am now inspired to watch it...

  2. It wasn’t that good of a movie. It can’t hold a candle to Knives Out.

  3. Can Knives Out compete with a good Nero Wolfe?

  4. In my experience (MCSE) a software engineer need (and does) know a bit about both cars and rocket science but hey, nobody listens to me ~ only been online since nineteen ninety-three. Know enough about all three to whole-heartedly agree!

    Still not enough attention paid to all those government subsidies ...

  5. Pure genius, is nothing more than the ability to think outside the the boxes we build around ourselves.
    Original thinking is required , yet very few ever come up those original thoughts. This is genius.

  6. Jon, thanks for the link. I enjoyed the show on TV and am glad to be able to revisit it.


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