Friday, December 16, 2022

Filling Up the Prisons With These Clowns

An Iowa construction worker and QAnon follower was sentenced Friday to five years in prison for his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, when he led a crowd chasing a police officer who diverted rioters away from lawmakers.

Wearing a T-shirt celebrating the conspiracy theory with his arms spread, Douglas Jensen became part of one of the most memorable images from the riot.

As he handed down the sentence, Judge Timothy Kelly said he wasn’t sure Jensen understood the seriousness of a violent attack in which he played a “big role.”

“It snapped our previously unbroken tradition of peaceful transfer of power. We can’t get that back,” Kelly said. “I wish I could say I had evidence you understood this cannot be repeated.

Or, as the kids say, he fucked around and found out.

These clowns who are taking their cases to trial are getting hammered. Their success rate at trial is zero. I'll bet that if he had owned up to what he had done, he'd have gotten less than half of that sentence.

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