Friday, December 9, 2022

Did the TOFF Get Tired of Losing at the Supreme Court?

He's been appealing almost everything else up that far, only to get slapped down at every turn. Maybe someone convinced him that the optics of losing a Supreme Court appeal are far worse.

So, despite the intervention of his pet Federal judge in Florida, this criminal case goes back to being handled like most other criminal cases, albeit with a special prosecutor in charge who apparently is not letting the grass grow under his feet.

In other news, I heard that Tuckyo Rose, Putin's favorite American talking head, threw a masive hissy fit over President Zeleskyy being named Time magazine's Person of the Year. Fuck him.


  1. "Tuckyo Rose, Putin's favorite American talking head, threw a masive hissy fit over President Zeleskyy being named Time magazine's Person of the Year. Fuck him."
    Nah, even vultures, vampire bats and hyenas have standards. Maybe garden slugs? Most likely Tuckyo will have to take hisself in hand.

  2. The lawyers come out of his pocket.

  3. Hey, Tuckyo, hear the one about Britteny Griner, heh heh heh. Mother, the smelling salts, please !!!
    HEH HEY HEH ................

  4. Jon, the RNC was paying his legal bills for a spell. If they’ve stopped, he’s likely using funds raised from the MAGA rubes.

    I doubt very much that he’s paying a dime out of his own pocket.

  5. Maralago stuff was on his nickel. It's not his nature to give up stolen funds.

  6. I saw something somewhere yesterday that a partner in the firm the RNC is paying his legal bills to is challenging Ronna Romney (McDaniel) for the RNC leadership ...


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