Sunday, November 13, 2022

Your Sunday Morning Jet Noise

Because the Ukrainians are going to rebuild her:


  1. The best part of that whole video, is just before liftoff, when the wings that were sagging so low at the 4:20 mark when it was facing the camera, gain their lift and come up to almost level.

  2. Saw that in MIA after the Haiti earthquake. Impressive! Especially taking off.

  3. We lost a B-17, P-63 and 6 people in Dallas yesterday, disturbing video.

    Nice to see the Big Boy, it was always fun to talk to the VDA (Volga-Dnieper) flights that seemed to be hauling drilling equipment a lot to/from the Houston area.

  4. Besides that, we've lost two flying B-17s in as many years.

  5. I saw her up close at NAS North Island a few years ago, and yes, she uses ALL the runway! Sadly, she may never take to the skies again...

  6. Wonder if the rebuild will use US jet engines, as Russian ones probably not forthcoming. At least one vid thinks GE-90s would work.

  7. You're probably right, S.R. My guess is that the days of Ukraine and Russia cooperating on anything other than exchanging prisoners and repatriating war dead are long over. Russia has sown the fields of Ukraine with a bitterness that won't be expunged until the 22nd Century, if even then.

  8. GE-90’s are too big and too powerful. For minimal change, use a CF6-80C2…fan only 3cm larger, and a small useful boost in power that wouldn’t overpower the airframe.


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