Friday, November 18, 2022

Twitter and Eye Damage

Someone once told me about the risk of eye damage from laser light and looking at the Sun. With how the brain processes optic images, it can fill in a lot of what it thinks that is there.

For instance, look straight ahead and observe what is noticeable from the corner of your eye. Your eye has very few cones towards the edges of the retina, so it shouldn't see colors very well. But you see them,nonetheless, because your mind knows how those objects are colored, so it fills that in in processing.

If you were to walk into a pitch-dark room that you know and flick on the lights, you will see what your mind knows is there. If there is something additional, you might have to move your line of sight around to pick it up.

But eventually, with enough damage, your optical processing centers won't be able to fill in the blanks. At that point, you are truly fucked.

This all came to mind when I read BadTux's analysis as to why Twitter is doomed.


  1. Similar take from another SRE:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


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