Monday, November 7, 2022

The Russians Admit That They've Been Meddling in Our Elections

Kremlin-connected entrepreneur Yevgeny Prigozhin admitted Monday that he had interfered in U.S. elections and would continue to do so — confirming for the first time the accusations that he has rejected for years.

“Gentlemen, we have interfered, are interfering and will interfere. Carefully, precisely, surgically and in our own way, as we know how to do,” Prigozhin boasted in remarks posted on social media

Do you think it's any conincidence that MAGAites such as Greene, Vance and the rest are so hot on slashing aid to Ukraine?


  1. The United States have interfered in foreign elections for years. Just because Hilary didn't win when the Russians had her bought and sold doesn't mean PRESIDENT TRUMP was involved.

  2. Funny how you’ve turned things inside out. Trump was involved, right up to his earlobes.

  3. I remember reading that back when the "Sun never set on the British Empire' they had soldiers from all the countries they controlled. The enemies of the Brits would spread rumors among the Moslem and Hindu soldiers that the paper cartridges that they bite the end off of would be lubed by beef or pork fat which would mean the were eating something that was forbidden by their respective religions. Anything to cause dissent and trouble. Same playbook.


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