Thursday, November 10, 2022

Seditious Bastards Gotta Keep Seditioning

Saving that you want a dictatorship because your ideas are so foul that you can't win an election is the essence of hating this country.

Can we put this Nazi asshole on a plane to Moscow, already?


  1. Wow, a grown person that doesn't understand majority rule? He wouldn't have any problem if he was part of a majority but because he isn't, the power must be handed to him? Was this person educated? Is he still living at his Momma's? The lack of societal education in this country is astounding.

  2. And in case that wasn't enough:

    Grey Wolf.

  3. I would not be surprised to learn that he's living in his mom's basement and that he's an incel. You know, one of those guys who uses his personality as a birth-control device.


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