Thursday, November 3, 2022

Low Light Bangity Lessons

I recently shot in a "low-light" match. I have one gun with laser-grips, which I've used before. This time around, I took a Sig-Sauer with night sights.

The night sights on that gun are about six or seven years old, so they are dimming. Also, they are all the same color. The result of all of that is that trying to line them up, quickly, in a dynamic environment was difficult.

For low-light work, lasers rule. Weapon-mounted lights follow behind. Monochromatic night sights are not much better than iron sights. Ones with a different-color front sight may be better, but night sights have a finite life to them and replacing them is more costly than changing the batteries in a light or a laser.

1 comment:

  1. Half life of tritium is 12.5years. Likely so little is used
    as its costly stuff and phosphorus decay as well.

    Lasers keep getting better with more brightness for less



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