Friday, November 25, 2022

Kick Herschel the Carpetbagger to the Curb

Turns out he was probably ineligible to run for the Senate in Georgis as the dumbass declared that he was a resident of Texas so he could get a tax break.

Republicans sure love committing electoral fraud, don't they? There's also tax fraud (in case he's a a Georgia resident who is claiming a homestead exemption in Texas) or perjury (swearing that he lived in Georgia when he didn't).

Walker is the sort of low-wattage fraud who seems to gravitate towards being a Republican political candidate.


  1. Actually, it seems that the Constitutional rules for residence don’t apply until elected, so he’s probably legal, shady, but legal. The Georgia rules, 15 of them, are a bit more nuanced, but as he’s registered to vote in Georgia, there’s a fair chance he’s legal. The Texas homestead exemption would likely be an issue next year, but not this year.

  2. It sure proves the old adage scratch a Republican and find a criminal.

  3. Doesn't matter one way or the other. Why don't we leave up to preznident trump? he'll answer the most important question. Does it OWN DA LIBS?


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