Saturday, November 5, 2022

I Hereby Call for the Deregulation of RPGs

We are going to need them, sooner or later:


  1. I noted elsewhere a few weeks ago that Boston Dynamics is building robots that dance, Elon Musk is talking about maybe building a robot that sits on the porch and waves, maybe.

  2. They have demonstrated agility, balance, movementm, and
    spacial target recognition in all axis.
    The next is purpose, as in they can get there...
    Its what they are set to do once they arrive.
    What level of autonomy do they have in achieving their mission.



  3. Lara Croft is missing one of her combat training bots, I think...

  4. Jimmy Kimmel just compared trump* boot-licker Kari Lake, from "the terrible sand kingdom of Arizonstan," with one of those robots. Seems pretty apt.

  5. To Elon's sits on the porch and maybe waves robot!? Priceless ...


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