Sunday, November 6, 2022

Did Herschel Really Say That?
If So, Is He Trying to See How Ludicrous He Can Get?


  1. Is he going to adopt Matt Damon?

    He's only Martian I know of.

  2. Yes, but Mark Whatley doesn't come home until around 2037.

  3. Pretty funny, to one not so good at it, to watch the ASL (American Sign Language) translator ... uhhhh, translate what he is saying. I'm not very good at it, pretty choppy but it looked to me like at one point she said "don't vote for me, I'm an idiot."

  4. "He is being risen up in the lord PRAYSE JAAYZUS!!!" My sister in law, 11/7/22

  5. Perhaps he's angling for Elon Musk's support?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


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