Friday, November 11, 2022

Burger King Finds Out That "Happy Kristallnacht" is Not a Thing

KFC has apologized after using the 84th anniversary of Kristallnacht to promote fried chicken and cheese.

On Wednesday, KFC Germany sent out a message on its app urging customers to "commemorate Kristallnacht" and "treat themselves to more tender cheese with crispy chicken," according to multiple screenshots shared on Twitter
. (Twitter link)

Look for their upcoming promotions for the anniversaries of the Mountain Meadows and Wounded Knee massacres.


  1. Who (and how many) got fired? I'd love to see KFC/YUM publicly call 'em out for their stupidity.

  2. I'm curious about that, as well.

  3. Be doing the world a favor if Burger King, KFC's windows were smashed out, the shops looted, buildings burned.

  4. I don’t disagree. The BK here is so bad that, during the peak of the pandemic, when the drive-thru lines at Wendy’s, DD, and McD’s were going out to the street, BK was nearly empty.

    I suspect that it’s a money-laundry.

  5. This is an example of automation at work.

    Feed your posting bot a list of all official holidays on the local calendar and tell it to make a "Happy $LOCAL_HOLIDAY" post.

  6. That's a reasonable explanation. Maybe they'll fix it by Holocaust Remembrance Day.

  7. Classic case.

    Simple code to use calendar events as triggers for campaigns.
    Problem whats in the calendar?

    I can see a lots of possibles that would be embarrassing.




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